Sept. 28: Teens/Tweens Cyberbullying Event

Sep 28, 2017 at 09:22 am by Staff

Andrea DiFilippo, LICSW, a nationally recognized parenting expert, discusses cyberbullying by smartphone to the parents of Nashville Thursday night, the 28th of September, at 7:30pm EST on the Facebook Live page of Social Judo.

How can a smartphone app help with the real issues in New York City? Most of the teens, almost all of the teens, in the city and in the suburbs, are using a smartphone where they talk to thier friends about actions and activities that are going on around them.

Social Judo, a technologically advanced smartphone app developed by a brain surgeon to help good parents protect their children in cyberspace is now available for free download. In cyberspace, any child can go anywhere with anyone, without their parent's permission, or their knowledge. Social Judo paves the way for mothers and fathers to gain an advantage in parenting their children on the Internet. Andrea is the "Chief Parenting Officer" of this new and innovative app.

It is this application that will have every child in cyberspace knowing that parents that care are tuned into their behavior and their actions in a sector that is entirely unsupervised.

"In today's age, the smartphone can be something that can lead a teen or tween of chicago into very dangerous situations of all kinds" said DiFilippo. "It's only natural that a good parent would want to keep an eye on this activity, and make sure any rules they have for phones and cyberspace are followed."

Many parents would love a way to be alerted on things their teens and tweens are doing on their smartphones, from text messaging profanity, to whom they are calling late at night, to what websites they are visiting and more. Social Judo delivers alerts to parents not by spying on them but by alerting parents in a very smooth and non-intrusive way.

Machine learning databases of bullying terms, sexting terms, suicidal key phrases, profanity usage and more are checked. "It's a parenting moment" when your child's phone sends you an alert from Social Judo, says DiFilippo.

"Social Judo is where good parents become smarter parents," said Dr. Matthew Philips, brain surgeon and President of Social Judo. "We are looking forward to having the opportunity to help parents in Chicago keep their families much more safe and secure."

The name Social Judo embodies the concept of a martial art; it envisions using the power of the internet to protect children from the power of the internet. The idea is leveraging the good parts of the internet to counter the bad parts of the internet, just like the martial art of Judo uses the power of an opponent to leverage the outcome of a contest.

Per the company, parents get alerts on their phone as they relate to the child's phone, alerts for profanity, pornography, nudity, bullying, suicide prevention, and sexting, just to name a few. Parents can enjoy these benefits without "Jail Breaking" or "Rooting" their phones - a very important factor for people who don't want to void phone warranties, which can occur with some installed applications.

Feedback from parents around the country has already been very positive. Carla M., from Rhode Island, recently said in a five-star review,

"Social Judo woke me up to some very inappropriate messages being sent by an older boy to my 14-year-old daughter and I was able to put an end to it before it became something else. Every parent of a young teen should make sure they have Social Judo installed. Fully recommended."

For more information, be sure to visit

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