Crichton Group Benefits Seminar

Oct 18, 2017 at 04:19 pm by Staff

In mid-September, The Crichton Group hosted a group benefits seminar at Bass, Berry and Sims to provide updates into timely topics in the health insurance industry, including controlling pharmaceutical spend, the lack of primary care utilization - and how onsite clinics and wellness centers could help address this gap in the healthcare system, along with effective ways to educate the workforce on federal benefits, especially Social Security and Medicare.

Featured speakers included Frank Cardenas, the founder of FEDlogic, LLC, which navigates individuals and families through Social Security retirement and Medicare; Andrew Clayton, president of Pareto Captive Services, a leading employee benefit group captive manager that helps employers stabilize health insurance; and Nathan Gabhart, RPh, CEO of TrueScripts Management Services, a consulting firm providing benefit management services.

Sections: Grand Rounds