Metro Schools Food Distribution

Mar 31, 2020 at 03:51 pm by Staff

Amid school and business closures, Metro Nashville Public Schools has partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank to provide free breakfast and lunch meals to children under 18 regardless of their school status, beginning March 23. The meals will be bagged or boxed and available in a drive-through setup to limit crowds and possible exposure to COVID-19. The meals will be cold or room temperature to allow for transportation. Meals will be prepared at Cane Ridge High School, John Overton High School, and Haynes Middle School and will be delivered to the following locations for pickup between 8- 9 a.m. for breakfast and 12-1:30 p.m. for lunch:

For up to date information visit Metro Nashvile Public Schools online or call 615.329.3491 (or 2-1-1).

Sections: COVID