State Doctors Debate Healthcare Policies at TMA Annual Meeting

May 26, 2022 at 03:57 pm by Staff

Tennessee’s Top Advocacy Organization Announces 2022-2023 Officers

NASHVILLE – The Tennessee Medical Association assembled nearly 130 of its physician members in Franklin, Tenn. last weekend for the 187th annual business meeting of the TMA House of Delegates.

Delegates participated in a special session which included testimony from TMA physician leaders about patient care issues and concerns due to prior authorization. It was identified as a top issue facing Tennessee physicians and their patients, and a resolution was introduced to combat its detrimental effects. Physician wellness, another top concern raised by incoming TMA president Ed Capparelli, MD, of Jacksboro, Tenn., was affirmed by the House of Delegates through a resolution calling for increased statewide access to mental health and wellness services for physicians. The expansion of healthcare services to rural and underserved populations through the development and fortification of existing programs and utilization of existing infrastructure was also prioritized by the assembly.

“One of TMA’s most important functions is its ability to rally physicians from across the state to engage in constructive discussions on healthcare’s most pressing issues,” said Lee Berkenstock, MD, a family physician from Memphis and newly elected Chair of the TMA Board of Trustees. “We bring unique perspectives across the diverse set of medical specialties, practice environments, and geographic locations in which we live and practice.

“Healthy dialogue with legislators, insurance companies and other stakeholders is key as we physicians strive to deliver the highest level of care in our state. While we may not always agree, doctors are well positioned to positively impact the process, and we remain committed to working together to achieve common ground. This is why membership in our organization is approaching record levels, and TMA is respected and seen as the most valuable and trusted advocacy organization on Capitol Hill.”

Physicians in the House of Delegates debated resolutions on a number of healthcare topics. The assembly approved one resolution calling for reform of the prior authorization process under health insurance regulations that requires healthcare providers to pre-qualify treatments with insurance companies before rendering services.

Dr. James Cates, a Cookeville family physician, and 2021-22 chair of the TMA Board of Trustees, authored the resolution to address the organization’s concerns with improper denials, delays and disruptions in necessary medical care and exorbitant costs absorbed by medical practices due to staffing needs and unnecessary wait times.

Other notable policies the association adopted or referred to the TMA Board for possible action:

Dr. Ed Capparelli, a Jacksboro, Tenn. family physician, was 
officially installed as TMA PresidentHe is the 168th president for the association.

The TMA Board of Trustees transitioned its leadership positions for the coming year, and members reelected the Speaker and Vice Speaker presiding over the business of the House of Delegates.

For more information about TMA, visit

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