Change Your Cyber Security Mindset, Reduce Six Potential Threats

Nov 09, 2015 at 12:40 am by Staff

According to an October 15, 2015 Consumer Affairs article, consumers are more complacent than ever when it comes to online security. In a recent survey by The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA), it found that one in five American homes received a data breach notification last year. Over half received multiple notifications. But it’s not just consumers that are cyber security complacent ... businesses suffer from it, as well.

In fact, the number of known security incidents experienced by businesses in 2014 increased by 48 percent over the previous year, according to an AT&T Cyber Security Insights report. With so many breach incidents and news reports, it’s easy to become desensitized to it and not take security as seriously as organizations should.

An important first step in enhancing cyber security is to change our mindsets. It begins with addressing three issues highlighted in the Cyber Security Insights report:

Ignorance isn’t bliss. Pretending like the problem doesn’t exist won’t make it go away. Just the opposite – cyber criminals are banking on your blissful ignorance.


Change Your Thinking, Mitigate Your Cyber Security Threats

In order to truly affect change, there needs to be an intrinsic shift in the typical cyber security mindsets that plague many organizations. Examine the following six below along with their solutions. Do so and your organization will reduce potential problems and boost operational efficiencies in the process:







Lay the groundwork for enhanced security and operational efficiencies. Evaluate, refine and tighten up your cyber security program. The above suggestions – along with consistent monitoring, testing and enforcement – will provide greater protection to your organization. Consider working with an outside firm if you lack the internal resources or expertise to go it alone. The investment can be invaluable and will more than justify the return on investment.


Steady Wins the Race

Technology has reinforced a sense of instant gratification in our culture. We tend to view it as “one and done”. But solely relying on it for your cyber security is a big mistake and this complacent approach can leave you more exposed to a potential breach.

Instead, adopt a “steady wins the race” attitude regarding your ongoing cyber security efforts. Take the time to assess your current situation and vulnerabilities. Improve your security processes. Train your people adequately and consistently. Upgrade technology when necessary. Then repeat ... and repeat again. Cyber criminals will curse your efforts, but your organization will reap the benefits tenfold.


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