Patient Safety Strategies for Hospitalists

Jul 17, 2023 at 11:32 am by Staff


By Kathleen Stillwell, MPA/HSA, RN, Senior Patient Safety Risk Manager, The Doctors Company


Hospitalists face liability risks based on their diverse roles as an inpatient’s attending physician, covering physician, consultant, supervising physician, and/or co-manager. Two common problems arise: (1) confusion regarding the hospitalist’s responsibilities in the patient care continuum and (2) miscommunication during different phases of inpatient care, especially during handoffs. The following strategies can help hospitalists reduce liability risks.

Clarify Roles and Scope of Care

First, ensure that you, your group, and the hospital all agree on your job description and privileges. This information should be in writing and reviewed during onboarding.

Explain your role as hospitalist to the patient and family. For example, are you covering for the attending physician or serving as the attending physician? Who will coordinate care with specialists? Allow the patient and family time to ask questions.

To avoid confusion among the healthcare team, clarify your role with the other care practitioners regarding the specific components of a patient’s care plan. Participate in team briefs on the patient’s condition, treatment, and team member responsibilities.

Prevent Diagnosis Errors

Implement the following risk mitigation strategies to reduce your risk of diagnostic error: 

Use Standardized Communication Tools and Protocols

Standardized communication tools, methods, forms, templates, checklists, and protocols—such as the SBAR format utilizing Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation—are helpful in managing communication among practitioners. At a minimum, communicate the patient’s diagnosis, current condition, recent changes in condition or treatment, and any anticipated changes. Find out which communication tools or protocols the hospital uses.

Use only approved medical interpreters. Document the name of the interpreter according to facility policy. The patient’s family or guest is not an appropriate interpreter. Use the hospital-approved interpreter services when communicating with a patient who does not speak English.

Checklists can be helpful in obtaining basic yet vital patient information from either the patient or the primary care practitioner. Find out the patient’s code status, current medical status, preferences, medications, testing (completed, pending, and planned), and any new diagnosis so that you have all the information necessary to effectively manage the patient’s care. Use standardized handoff tools to increase patient safety during shift changes, and include an update on changes in the patient’s condition that occurred during your shift. For any complex patients, consider conducting shift change handoffs at the bedside.

Be Aware of Risky Transitions

Transitions in hospital care can occur many times in the course of a patient’s treatment. Good communication among practitioners during patient transitions is essential. Communication breakdowns—compounded by human factors such as fatigue, distractions, and reliance on memory—are common threads noted in malpractice claims.

Hospitalized patients are most vulnerable to communication breakdowns during the following transitions:

Structure Effective Handoffs

Human errors during care transitions are multiplied when workload, hour restrictions, or other factors increase the number of handoffs. Standardizing the handoff process has been shown to lower rates of near-miss events and adverse outcomes.

Use the following questions to organize handoff communications:

These strategies can help decrease human errors during the handoff process:

Manage Coverage Change

Patients should always know who is taking care of them. During coverage changes, a hospitalized patient may be overwhelmed when a new caregiver comes into the room. Without proper introductions and good handoffs, the patient can easily become confused—which puts you at risk. Follow these strategies for managing coverage changes:

Standardize Training

These strategies can help you standardize training on how to conduct successful handoffs with other practitioners:

Understanding where and how gaps occur in handoff communications is essential to supporting quality and continuity of care. Every practitioner who passes care of the patient to another plays a key role in improving this aspect of patient safety.

For assistance, contact the Department of Patient Safety and Risk Management at (800) 421-2368 or by email.



Butterfield S. Replace diagnostic errors with excellence. ACP Hospitalist, May 24, 2023.

The Doctors Company, Risk management and patient safety resources for Hospitalists.

The Joint Commission, Sentinel Event Alert 58: Inadequate hand-off communication.

The guidelines suggested here are not rules, do not constitute legal advice, and do not ensure a successful outcome. The ultimate decision regarding the appropriateness of any treatment must be made by each healthcare provider considering the circumstances of the individual situation and in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the care is rendered.

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