The Council on Aging (COA) of Middle Tennessee hosted their 27th Annual Sage Awards on Oct. 29. With a belief that aging should be celebrated and embraced and that older adults have a lifetime of wisdom and experience to offer communities, the Sage Awards are presented each year to older adults who have made outstanding contributions to Middle Tennessee.
This year's honorees are: Carrie Hudson (Nashville), Mary Mills (Franklin), Dorothy and Joe Scarlett (Nashville) and Drs. Pramod and Geeta Wasudev (Brentwood). In addition to the individual honorees, COA presented Alive Hospice with the 2018 Organization Award.
Carrie Hudson has served in several leadership roles for the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc., CABLE, Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc., League of Women Voters, Grace M. Eaton Child Care and Early Learning Center, Edgehill Community Center and Top Teens of America. She has helped older adults with registering to vote, transportation, meals, assistance and companionship. In addition, she served on the Council on Aging's Community Assessment Committee.

Mary Mills
Mary Mills, a lifelong Williamson County resident, has impacted the community through contributions to education, political leadership, church, historic preservation, economic development and healthcare. Mills spent 39 years in the education field, serving as a teacher and as a principal. After retiring from the school system, she served as Williamson County Commissioner for 17 years. She is one of the founders of the African American Heritage Society, helping establish and preserve the first and only African American museum in Williamson County.

Dorothy and Joe Scarlett
Dorothy Scarlett inspired the creation of the Scarlett Family Foundation, which has opened educational opportunities for thousands of Tennesseans. The Foundation is dedicated to helping students realize their dreams through college scholarships, support of K-12 educational programs and innovation and reform initiatives. Joe Scarlett is the retired chairman and CEO of Tractor Supply Company and currently serves as the vice chairman of The Beacon Center and chairman of the Scarlett Hotel Group
Drs. Pramod and Geeta Wasudev founded the Indian Community Seniors Support Services in 2014. The organization works with volunteers to help seniors with transportation, meals, doctor's visits, social visits and end-of-life and funeral planning. Pramod is currently serving as president, and Geeta is an active member. Both are also active volunteers and leaders with the India Association of Nashville and Loaves and Fishes, helping to cook and serve meals to the homeless population at Holy Name Church. Through the American Red Cross, both provided medical expertise to victims of six natural disasters.