Letter from the Editor: The Times They Are a-Changin’

Aug 13, 2015 at 11:21 am by Staff

While the above statement is certainly representative of the healthcare industry … in this case, we are actually referencing the media’s role in the dissemination of information.

The way we consume news has dramatically changed over the past decade. Yet, how, when and where we receive information is often a matter of personal choice. Some people love the feel of newsprint between their fingers. Others like to get information on their tablet. Still others want the highlights in 140 characters or less, giving them control of whether or not the topic is worthy of a click through to more information.

Recognizing our readers embody these varied preferences, Nashville Medical News is excited to announce major changes to our product. If you love the monthly paper (and we certainly hope you do), no worries … you’ll still receive it faithfully each month in the mailbox.

However, we’ve long realized the static nature of our websites left much to be desired from both an aesthetic standpoint and the ability to adequately offer information between print cycles. Additionally, the editorial and publishing teams have looked at various solutions to quickly alert our readers to major breaking news stories and to have a platform to put important information in your hands in the immediate fashion audiences have come to require.

To achieve these goals and meet your personal expectations, we are debuting our new website this month and offering you the flexibility of following us on social media platforms to receive updates. Knowing how many journals, magazines and e-mails you receive on a daily basis, we promise not to flood your devices with a constant stream of data. Instead, we will format key information into brief updates and breaking news alerts as warranted. We encourage you to follow us on Twitter (@NashMedNews) to receive these notifications and engage in an interactive dialogue.

For many of you, we already have your email addresses on file so you will automatically receive breaking news alerts. If you aren’t currently receiving electronic notifications from us, feel free to contact me at editor@nashvillemedicalnews.com with your email address, and I’ll see that you are added.

Our mission … as it has always been … is to make sure we get the latest clinical, business, research and regulatory news in your hands, in addition to updating you on industry events and happenings among colleagues. The new format of the website makes it easier than ever for you to see the latest information in each of these categories, find related content, and share articles on your own social media platforms. Additionally, the design was created to be scalable to desktop, tablet and smartphone formats.

As Bob Dylan aptly noted – The Times They Are a-Changin’ – and we’re excited to embrace that change with enhanced capabilities to deliver the best possible product to you in a manner that suits your busy life. We hope you enjoy the new look, flexible formats, and ability to receive industry updates in between print cycles. Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments with us. As always, we’re open to suggestions on how to continue to improve our publication and our performance.

Sections: Archives