Meharry Medical College Surprises Students with $10K in Cash for Thanksgiving

Nov 23, 2021 at 12:05 pm by Staff

In acknowledgement of a momentous year, Meharry Medical College announced it will give each of its students $10,000 to reduce any financial pressures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure wellbeing, academic stability and success.

The 956 Meharry Medical College students learned of the gift through an internal announcement that included a video from Dr. James E.K. Hildreth, President and CEO of Meharry Medical College. In the video, Dr. Hildreth surprised students with the news that they will receive a direct deposit of $10,000 cash on Wednesday, Nov. 24, the eve of Thanksgiving.

In the video, Dr. Hildreth says, "Meharrians, I want to tell you that I'm indeed thankful for those of you who work here day in and day out to carry out the Meharry mission. I'm thankful for those who support the College with their resources. But mostly, I'm thankful for you students and the future of health care that is entrusted to you. That future looks bright. And because of that, students, I'm happy to make a very special announcement."

You can watch a full video of the announcement here:

Sections: Grand Rounds