Gordon Stepping Down from TennCare

Mar 30, 2016 at 03:31 pm by Staff

From our sister publication NashvillePost 3/30/2016:

TennCare Director Darin Gordon will step down in June after a decade leading the state’s $10.5 billion Medicaid program for an undisclosed job in the private sector.

Gordon, who also is deputy commissioner of Health Care Finance and Administration, took over at the helm of TennCare after directing its managed care programs and being CFO. Gov. Bill Haslam lauded him for bringing “much-needed stability” to TennCare, which had had 10 directors in the 12 years prior to Gordon’s appointment.

“Across the country states face the same challenge: a Medicaid program that takes up more and more of the state’s budget, pulling money away from other service areas,” Haslam said in a statement. “The impact of Darin’s steady leadership extends well beyond TennCare. Darin has quite literally saved Tennessee taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars by keeping the program’s costs low, allowing Tennessee to invest in K-12 education and other critical service areas. He has managed to achieve that while still running a program with a 95 percent customer satisfaction rating.”

Launched in 1994, TennCare provides services to nearly 1.5 million Tennesseans

More on Gordon:

Gordon’s tenure with the Bureau of TennCare includes more than a decade of senior management experience within the agency. After joining the organization in 2002, he was named CFO in 2004, playing a key role in developing TennCare’s current leadership team. In 2006, Gordon was named director of TennCare and oversees all aspects of the state’s Medicaid managed care insurance program. Previously, he held healthcare finance and management positions with the Department of Finance and Administration. He is a Fellow of the Medicaid Leadership Institute and the immediate past president of the National Association of Medicaid Directors. Gordon also serves on the board of Leadership Health Care. He is a 2013 Council Fellow.

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