Senate Health Committee Introduces Plan to Address Mental Health Crisis in America

Apr 07, 2016 at 01:34 pm by Staff

Last month, a bipartisan group of U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee members, including Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-Wash.), announced their plan to address the country’s mental health crisis and ensure Americans suffering from mental illness and substance abuse disorders receive the care they need.

The senators said the bipartisan draft legislation of the Mental Health Reform Act of 2016 works to bring the nation’s behavioral healthcare system into the 21st century by embracing mental health research and innovation, giving states flexibility to meet the needs of those suffering, and improving access to care.

“One in five adults in this country suffers from a mental illness, and nearly 60 percent aren’t receiving the treatment they need,” said Chairman Alexander. “This bill will help address this crisis by ensuring our federal programs and policies incorporate proven, scientific approaches to improve care for patients. States like Tennessee and local governments are on the forefront in treating mental illness and substance abuse, and this legislation will support their efforts so people can get the help they need.”

Ranking Member Murray added, “I hear far too often from families in my home state of Washington and across the country about loved ones who are unable to get mental healthcare they desperately need, with tragic consequences.” She continued, “Our mental health system has been broken for far too long, and I’m pleased that Democrats and Republicans were able to break through the gridlock and agree on policies to help deliver quality, integrated care to our neighbors, friends, and loved ones who struggle with mental illness.” 

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said the current system fails those who need it most and noted that individuals struggling with mental illness could go years without receiving treatment. “Too many Americans with serious mental illness slip through the cracks, and Congress must act to stop it,” Murphy stated.

The bill’s sponsor Sen. Bill Cassidy, MD, (R-La.) concurred, calling the system ‘broken.’ However, the physician said the Mental Health Reform Act of 2016 is a step toward beginning to fix the issues plaguing the system. Cassidy added, “We have all seen a promising life destroyed by untreated mental illness – destroying not just the person, but also their family. By focusing and making resources available for patients and families, we can help restore mental health to the emotionally broken. I thank Senators Murphy, Alexander and Murray for joining me in this priority.”

The bipartisan group introduced additional measures to the full HELP Committee on March 16 to further strengthen access to quality mental care as part of a manager’s amendment. At that time, the HELP Committee also began looking at legislation to tackle the nation’s opioid epidemic by addressing treatment, prevention and other efforts to fight opioid addiction and abuse.


S.1945: Mental Health Reform Act of 2016

U.S. Senate HELP Committee

Staff Discussion of the Draft

Sections: Archives