Sebelius Resigns

Apr 10, 2014 at 06:34 pm by Staff

According to a White House offical, Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will formally announce her resignation on Friday, April 11. Sebelius came under harsh scrutiny from lawmakers and the public following the disastrous rollout of the Affordable Care Act website. Despite a rebound in enrollment numbers (approximately 7.5 million as of the second week of April), the problems with appear to have caused a rift in her relationship with the White House.

Updated 4/11/14

On Friday, White House Chief of Staff Denis R. McDonough said Sebelius was not pushed out. He said the HHS secretary told the president the March 31 deadline for enrollees on the exchange would provide a natural time for transition and that she believed the White House would be better served by someone who wasn't a a political lightening rod. Prior to her cabinet position, Sebelius was governor of Kansas and was was named by TIME magazine one of the five best governors in the United States. On April 10, Sebelius reportedly told an interviewer that she had always known she wouldn't "be here to turn the lights out in 2017."

According to McDonough, President Obama plans to nominate Sylvia Matthews Burwell as the new head of HHS today. Currently, Burwell serves as director of the Office of Management and Budget. The 48-year-old Burwell, who has a solid background in economic policy and finance, was educated at Harvard and Oxford. She easily won bipartisan approval for her current position. 

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